How powerful are we? Are we creators? How much are our thoughts, words and actions influencing our experience. How I think and speak creates a vibration. Can I take responsibility?
Perhaps we are heading back to a collective form of wellness. This begins with a personal vocabulary of powerful, positive and peaceful affirmations. It is time to conserve energy, not deplete energy. Visualization in a tool that can be used.
Have you listened to BK Shivani? In her Diwali messages she suggests these affirmations in her Diwali messages.
“We accept and respect each other and stand on a foundation of unity.”
“I am energizing myself and radiating out clarity, love and gratitude.”
“I am a powerful being and what I watch, read and listen to is who I will become.”
There is possibility in each moment.
In meditation, we can stand out of time into the moment. Many musicians and painters have talked about this transcendence.